type testing

Soil type refers to the
texture of your soil. Soil's basically composed of
mineral particles, organic matter and air spaces.
For earthbags & plaster, you'll want soil that's
between about 18% and 30% clay.
After you sift out the rocks & gravel in your
dirt, you're left with soil. Soil minerals come in
three basic categories: sand, silt and clay. Sand is
the largest particle. Silt particles are smaller than
fine sand but can still be seen by the human eye. Clay
particles are microscopic. The relative proportion of
these particles determines the soil texture.
- Sandy soil—tends to be very light and dries out
swiftly. Water drains very quickly and makes the
soil easy to dig. It's the first to warm up in the
- Silt soil—retains moisture and feels slippery when
wet. Doesn't dry out as quickly as the sandy soils.
- Clay soil—very heavy, holds moisture for long
periods of time when wet and dries hard as a brick.
Besides being heavy, it tends to be sticky and very
hard to dig. It's the last to warm up in the sun.
Loam soil—the ideal
soil texture - is composed of all three categories
(sand, silt and clay). The ideal loam soil contains
40% silt, 20% clay and 40% sand (and organic matter,
if you're gardening). Loam is a separate category
because none of its components account for more than
50% of volume.
Test Soil Type by Hand
You'll want to bring along a water bottle, and maybe
some jars or plastic sandwich bags for samples. For
the latter, also bring a magic marker & way to
label your samples so you don't get confused. These
are very rough tests, but allow you to narrow soils
down to those that are worth subjecting to the jar
test (below).
TEST 1: Take a handful of soil, and pour some water on
it. Feel it and rub it between your fingers. If it's
rough and gritty and breaks up easily, it's
predominately sandy. If it feels sticky and like
plastic, it's probably mostly clayey. If it feels
slippery with particles that are smaller than
sand, it's mostly silty. You want something that has
elements of all three.
TEST 2: Squeeze the wet soil in your fist,
trying to form a lump with it. If it makes a solid
lump that doesn't crumble, it's got a high clay
content. If it crumbles at once, it's mostly silt or
sand. Rub it back & forth between your hands (like
you would with Play-Doh or, duh, clay). Does it hold
up & make an elastic snake that holds together?
Test Soil Type by Jar
This test can take several hours to a day or two.
- If you have more than one sample, label or
identify your jars on a piece of tape on a mason jar
so you can keep things straight. What part of your
land did they come from? Surface samples, or from
- Place 5 inches(or 5 cm) of soil into the jar and
add a tablespoon of powdered dishwashing detergent.
The detergent is a surfactant, which keeps the soil
particles separate, resulting in a more accurate
- Fill the jar to the top with water, screw the lid
on, and shake the jar for three minutes to
thoroughly combine the soap, soil, and water, and to
make sure no soil is stuck to the bottom or sides of
the jar.
- Set the jar somewhere stable & out of the way
to let the sediment settle.
- As the sedimentation progresses, check the sample
periodically to watch the layers form and to note
the size of the particles settling out.
Sand particles are the heaviest of the three and
settle out of the solution after about a minute. The
sand layer is coarser in texture than the silt and
Silt is the next heaviest particle and will settle out
after about an hour. The silt layer is darker than the
Clay, the lightest particle in the mix, can take from
one to two days to settle out of the solution. The
clay layer that settles on top is fine textured and
light in color.
If you have any organics, they'll be floating on the
water's surface.
If you like, you can calculate percentages and
transfer the numbers to the soil texture triangle
(below, click to enlarge) to determine the composition
of your soil.
1.) Measure each layer
of sediment.
2.) Figure out the
rough percentages of sand, silt, and clay in the
For example, if you have 5 total inches of soil in
your jar, then every 1/2 inch will be 10%.
2"=40%, 3.5"=70%, etc). If you're using
centimeters, it's the same idea.
"ideal" soil for earthbags should fall into the "loam"
category with
approximately 20% clay, 40% silt and 40% sand.
Amending by Soil Type
If a soil tends toward an excess in clay, sand or
silt, you can amend it by simply adding & mixing
the required components in a wheelbarrow. If you're
doing much of this, do yourself a favor & invest
in a mortar hoe, which is heavy-duty and has 2
large holes in the blade that makes mixing easier).
Both sand and silt are pretty commonly available in
most areas. If necessary, you can buy them from an
aggregate yard for a few dollars per cubic yard.
Clay is a little more difficult to find, if it's not
common in your region. You might be able to find
sources of clay-rich dirt in river bottoms, lakes and
ponds. Construction sites may have cleared topsoil,
leaving access to clay layers below that you might be
able to get permission to harvest. You can even buy
powdered clay from pottery suppliers, but this can get
expensive. You don't want too much clay in your mix -
it tends to expand when it's wet & contract when
it's dry, causing cracking. Don't go over 30 percent.
You can also use cement and/or lime to stabilize
clay-poor soil.
Cement-stabilized dirt will be subject to cracking
& doesn't offer as good insulative properties as
clay or lime. Lime is great but takes forever to dry
and tends to be caustic (wear gloves). It's also best
when fresh, so if you buy a bag of lime from your
big-box hardware store know that it might be old. Look
for a date on the bag (not always there, but worth
You can try try mixing a little lime with cement.
Start with about 8% per volume, make a few test
batches with different percentages of clay, then set
them out in the sun to cure.
If you have access to straw, adding a small amount to
your mud also helps strengthen it (more useful for
plaster than for bag fill). You'll want to chop it up
small - say, 2" pieces. This can easily be done by
tossing straw in a metal drum & using a weed eater
to chop it up.
If you're really interested, check out the Internet
for articles on Roman concrete (which has lasted for
2,000 years, even underwater). It's vastly superior to
anything we've developed in modern times, and still
has chemists and engineers scratching their heads. The
key seems to be using volcanic sand, if you have
access to it. We haven't tried mixing it up yet, so if
you're curious have a go at it & let us know what
you come up with. Here's a good article:
Testing your
If you're going to try amending your soil, get out a
measuring cup and measuring spoons. There are 16
tablespoons to a cup, so
3.2 tablespoons = 20% of a cup
1.6 tablespoons = 10% of a cup
3/4 tablespoon, slightly rounded = about 5% of a
You don't have to be that precise; just be consistent.
If you're using metric measurements, 250 ml = 1.06
cups, so you can go from there.
If you're trying a few different formulas - say, one
with 10% cement, another with 15% cement, another with
5% cement + 10% lime, etc. then be sure to label your
Moisten your soil, roll it between your hands &
make balls or snakes, and leave them out in the sun
(or put them in a 150-200 degree oven) to dry &
harden. Once they're fully hardened, try these to see
if you have earthbag-worthy fill:
1.) For snakes or cylinders, try breaking them in
half. Study what happens. Do they crumble? Do you get
a clean break? How hard is it to snap them in half?
2,) The drop test. See what happens when your
dried ball sample when it hits the ground from chest
height. Do it on soft ground, grass or carpeting. If
it shatters, you have too much sand. Cracking in half
is better. No cracking is best.
3.) The nail test. Try to gently (gently!) tap a small
nail into your fully-cured sample. If you can without
it splintering or breaking apart, you've got gold.
that a good soil mix can serve both as both bag
fill and as a base plaster.
The following is geared
more towards gardening, but might help with gaining a
comprehensive sense of the three components &
their qualities:
Type of Soil |
Test Jar |
Sandy soils come
from erosive sources and so are very common near
the mountain foothills, along rivers and streams
and certain coastal areas. Sandy soils are
typically comprised of approximately 80 - 100%
sand, 0 - 10% silt and 0 - 10% clay by volume.
Sandy soils are light and typically very free
draining, usually holding water very poorly due
to very low organic content. |
Loam soils are
common in the valleys and flat areas (flood
plains) surrounding rivers and streams.
Loam soils are typically comprised of
approximately 25 - 50% sand, 30 - 50% silt and
10 - 30% clay by volume.
Loam soils are somewhat heavier than sandy
soils, but also tend to be fairly free draining,
again, due to typically low organic content. |
Clay soils are very
common in certain areas, particularly around
urban areas where fill soils have been used to
establish grade in subdivisions and
developments. Clay soils are typically
comprised of approximately 0 - 45% sand, 0 - 45%
silt and 50 - 100% clay by volume.
Clay soils are not typically free draining, and
water tends to take a long time to infiltrate.
When wet, such soils tend to allow virtually all
water to run-off. Clay soils tend to be heavy
and difficult to work when dry.